Yes, but I'd say the shift started earlier. The islamophobia scare has been on the decline since the early 2010s and the concept has been getting less and less useful as a rhetorical cudgel; what happened at Hamline is the fall of its last redoubts. Even five years ago, people were trying to cancel Rukmini Callimachi over bullshit accusa…
Yes, but I'd say the shift started earlier. The islamophobia scare has been on the decline since the early 2010s and the concept has been getting less and less useful as a rhetorical cudgel; what happened at Hamline is the fall of its last redoubts. Even five years ago, people were trying to cancel Rukmini Callimachi over bullshit accusations of islamophobia and it didn't stick at all (although her getting duped by a fabulist source did her in eventually).
Yes, but I'd say the shift started earlier. The islamophobia scare has been on the decline since the early 2010s and the concept has been getting less and less useful as a rhetorical cudgel; what happened at Hamline is the fall of its last redoubts. Even five years ago, people were trying to cancel Rukmini Callimachi over bullshit accusations of islamophobia and it didn't stick at all (although her getting duped by a fabulist source did her in eventually).