I don’t like butt stuff.
I know some folks out there are into anal and into eating the booty like groceries, and I fully support their right to do what they like. But it’s not at all for me, primarily because the unhygienic aspect is a profound and indelible turn-off.
Similarly, I don’t like cuckoldry. I know some folks out there get off on watching or knowing that their wife/girlfriend/whatever is getting plowed by another dude, and I fully support their right to do what they like. The primary reason I find the fetish so disdainful is the part where men extract arousal from being humiliated by other men. I fully own up to holding certain gendered expectations from other men, and watching a dude eagerly don obsequiousness in this context immediately prompts a wellspring of pure contempt and revulsion to rise up within me.
I can’t help it, but also, it doesn’t matter. Not usually. Again, I don’t care what consenting adults do with other consenting adults to get off. It’s not my business. And while I may find the sexual spinelessness on display to be hopelessly pathetic given my masculinity expectations, I’m capable of compartmentalizing and won’t assume someone into cuckoldry necessarily enjoys cosplaying as a doormat on everything outside of the bedroom.
Which is why it’s particularly puzzling that the political party that pretends to be the alpha male congregation does everything it can to come off as subservient obedient cucks when they’re in public.
In America, you’re not going to be arrested or executed for your political views. If you’re a tenured professor, you won’t even lose your job. Free speech advocates will often complain about subtle forms of discrimination they face as someone with unconventional views…If you believe that your free speech rights are violated because other people might not like what you say, I really don’t have much sympathy.
Although not its exclusive domain, bravery and an antagonistic and oppositional attitude are most heavily associated with masculinity, and human progress would have remained at a standstill were it not for the brave souls willing to risk death, imprisonment, torture, and worse to nevertheless speak truth.1
JD Vance has now eagerly jumped through enfilades for the opportunity to publicly humiliate himself for the sake of Trump. During a debate for the 2022 Ohio Senate race, here’s what his opponent Tim Ryan said about Vance as he stood there and took it:
Just a few weeks ago in Youngstown, on the stage, Donald Trump said to J.D. Vance “All you do is kiss my ass to get my support.” He said that. That’s bad, because that means JD Vance is going to do whatever he wants…And here's the thing that’s most troubling about this lack of courage, is that after Trump took J.D. Vance’s dignity from him on the stage in Youngstown, J.D. Vance got back up on stage and said, start shaking his hand, take a picture, saying, “Hey, aren’t we having a great time here tonight?”
I don't know anybody I grew up with, I don't know anybody I went to high school with that would allow somebody to take their dignity like that and then get back up on stage. We need leaders who have courage to take on their own party, and I’ve proven that, and he was called an ass kisser by the former president.
The revulsion I felt about cuckoldry’s servility mirrored this exchange exactly, and I tweeted out “I bet JD Vance would let Trump fuck his wife.”
Trump has a notoriously fragile ego. For fuck’s sake, he has such serious body image problems that he sells photoshopped pictures of his face pasted onto muscled bodies, and his followers just nod and smile along as they shell out $99 plus tax.

Four years ago, when his cognitive decline wasn’t as obvious as it is today, I saw nothing but weakness in the way he said “That's no way to talk” in response to Lesley Stahl’s intent to ask him tough questions. Trump is so violently triggered by the prospect of ever admitting defeat, and his followers are such gullible loyalists, that he can just insist he actually won an election he lost and an entire media ecosystem will spring up to maintain and affirm his delusions.
JD Vance, along with everyone of Trump’s close circle of sycophants, have endeavored to continue protecting Trump’s feelings, no matter the personal cost to them. They now have repeatedly refused to answer the simple question of “Did Trump lose the 2020 election?” NYT reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro, to her partial credit, refused to immediately accommodate Vance’s pathetic attempts to not answer the question, and she just repeated it multiple times to no avail:
The acrobatics on display are obvious. If you were to ask a true blue delusional believer like pillow magnate Mike Lindell that question, he wouldn’t hesitate to claim that say no, Trump did not lose in 2020. But for grifting dudes like Vance who are more closely tethered to reality, they possess enough awareness to realize there aren’t enough Italian satellites in the world to possibly justify a “no” answer. But why can’t they avoid this humiliating display and just say “yes, Trump lost in 2020” then?
Because they’re cucks.
They know they’ll make Trump mad. They prioritize the brittle sensitivity of their boss far more than their own integrity. They’re willing to publicly humiliate themselves on a national stage to aver any risk to Trump’s precarious fragility. They can’t ever publicly admit that Trump lost because they know he’ll get upset, and they’re more afraid of his pissiness than apparently anything else.
It’s some pathetic shit.
We need to get rid of any political movement too terrified to tell the emperor he has no clothes. Too obsequious to voice any semblance of an opposition opinion. Too servile to offer any pushback. Vance could, theoretically, earn a modicum of respect from me if he demonstrated some spine with an answer like this:
The former president and I don’t always agree — I’ve told him straight up that he lost the 2020 election. But here’s the thing we share: we’re both fighters who don’t back down. We speak our minds and keep pushing, even when we disagree. Together, we bring America the kind of leadership it needs — strength, tenacity, and the courage to stand tall in any battle.
There are so many things still wrong with that answer, but I definitely wouldn’t label it spineless! But Vance and the rest of Trump’s entourage can’t even rise to this extremely low bar because they’re terrified pitiful cowards unworthy of being acknowledged as men.
Don’t assume that just because I venerate these values, I necessarily fully live up to them. I live in the United States, and neither my physical safety nor comfort are ever likely to be placed in jeopardy due to an intellectual position I hold. For every controversial position I may publicly espouse, recognize that I speak from a position of relatively high privilege, and that my mettle has never been truly tested. I don’t know what I would kowtow to if I was subject to brutal torture, or if the lives of my loved ones was ever threatened.
While I certainly would like to think that I can rise to the challenge, I already confess to cowardice. For example, whenever I visit my home country of Morocco, I do everything to avoid letting people know that I’m a Muslim apostate. Others are not as fearful as I am.
This seems to be confusing seeking out humiliation for sexual gratification, with the willingness to humiliate oneself for power. The former is a fetish, the latter is common behavior, especially in politics. Trump is crude and public about humiliating subordinates, but he's hardly the first President to do that overall. Look up some of the stuff JFK did to Lyndon Johnson, and later what LBJ did to others. And that's just off the top of my head.
Also, the issue is the reverse of not being afraid of negatives from telling the truth. This is more about how many lies would someone tell to have a reasonable chance of being President. The probability of Vance getting to be President is around the 50% of Trump win and then whatever probability of Trump dying/incapacitated in the next four years (nontrivial given that he's 78 and has poor health habits). Whatever that number is exactly, it's not insignificant.
You do a great job tossing jabs while not trying to claim some tough-guy high-ground. I also would not claim to be some superhero action star, and would probably succumb to torture or threat to my family's safety. But I wouldn't forfeit my self-respect just to lick some reality star's balls even if I had political ambitions. Reminds me of how Ted Cruz forfeited his dignity coming to Trump's team after what Trump said about Cruz's wife. You let a guy call your wife ugly, and then you become his waterboy? That's as cucky as it gets... https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/24/politics/ted-cruz-donald-trump-flip-flop-the-view/index.html