Performative Government
San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors voted on a resolution declaring the NRA to be a domestic terrorist organization. The full text of the resolution is here.
A resolution is just a declaration, nothing more. But as this commentator pointed out, if this move somehow gets any traction at the state level, would it cause any problems for any California National Guardsmen who happen to also have an NRA membership? Forget the state level, just consider how many members of San Francisco’s law enforcement are NRA members. You basically cannot find qualified firearms instructors unless they are NRA certified either. Does the Board of Supervisors want to declare all of them domestic terrorists? If it continues working with them, what does that say about the Board itself?
This reminds me of a similar story up in Seattle. The City Council voted to divest from Wells Fargo because of their ties to the Dakota Access Pipeline. Wells Fargo wrote up an overwhelmingly nice letter asking how they can be of assistance in divesting from their services. After a few months of searching, Seattle could not find any bank willing to do business with the city and they ended up going back to Wells Fargo.